tax scams

Tech Tip: Tax Scams

During tax season we see a big up tick in tax scams. We suggest using the ARP method to protect from tax scams. Act Fast – File your taxes early and any attempts to trick you will be easily identified and protect you from someone trying to maliciously file with your social. Recognize – Educate…

gmail changes for scan to email

Gmail Changes Are Coming

Starting May 30, 2022, Google will no longer support the use of third-party apps or devices using only your google username and password. What does this mean? It means if you are using mail applications, older mobile phones, or using scan-to-email features on a copier they may no longer function. We have seen some firms…

strategic planning for your firm

Strategic planning

Now that the craziness of tax season is over, it is a great time to get some strategic planning done. While tax season is still fresh of mind, we recommend you make a list with these items: What was the biggest frustration during the season? What was the one thing that you and your staff…

Password Hygiene

Increased Cyber Threats and how to protect your firm.

In a press release from the White House on March 22, 2022, the President states: “ I have previously warned about the potential that Russia could conduct malicious cyber activity against the United States, including as a response to the unprecedented economic costs we’ve imposed on Russia alongside our allies and partners. It’s part of Russia’s…

E-mail Security

E-mail Security

Who listening here has perfect employees? Can your employees make the right decision over 100 times a day? Without proper e-mail protection and training that is what we ask our employees to do. We have discussed training before, today we are going to discuss e-mail protection options. Good e-mail protection add ons can either help…

Don’t use Free Email for business

Don’t use Free Email for business

Are you still using a “Free” Email service for your business? You need to stop today! Gmail, Verizon, Comcast, Yahoo, AOL, and many others offer you a free email address. This is ok for organizing a golf trip, or sending cat videos to grandma but not for your business. Here are 5 reasons you shouldn’t…

Email Storage Should Not Be Workflow

We talked before about why we don’t want to hoard emails but today I want to talk about specifically why you shouldn’t use email as permanent storage for day to day business work flow. E-mail is great for communicating with your vendors and clients but it should not be the sole place we store items…

Hoarding Email

Welcome to the earliest emails in my inbox. There are soo many important e-mails here. Oh look it is a 20% sale on all Nerf guns at Jamesway next week. Here is another one from my uncle, if I don’t forward this email to 10 people in the next 10 minutes I am going to…