2 Factor Authentication

The Importance of 2FA

What is 2-factor authentication? Two-factor authentication is when an additional “factor” is required for you to login to a system other than just a password. This is typically a numerical code sent to either a text message or email. It can also be done via a phone call or a mobile app. These solutions can…

cyber insurance

Cyber Insurance

Today we are going to talk about cyber insurance. What is it and do you need it. Cyber Liability insurance is used to provide financial assistance in the event of a cyber-attack. Often your general liability insurance policy or professional liability will contain some basic cyber liability coverage but with the increased risks and potential…

cybersecurity horror movie

Cybersecurity Horror Movies

Cybersecurity Horror Movies It’s October and that means there is only one type of movie you’re allowed to watch. That’s right, horror! Even the scaredy cats like a good horror movie near Halloween whether it’s Scream, Nightmare on Elm Street, Paranormal Activity, or, well, Halloween. But very few horror movies are realistic. People are always…

strong cyber security

Recipe for Strong Cybersecurity

Recipe for Strong Cybersecurity Cookies. Cakes. Pies. Brownies. All fantastic treats to have when you’re feeling down. But you know what the easiest and most satisfying dish to make really is? Strong Cybersecurity! Let’s quickly go over what you’ll need and the steps you’ll need to take to have a truly cyber-safe digital presence! Ingredients:…


Doctor’s Visit

Doctor’s Visit – Cybercriminals I want you to take a second and imagine the thing you dread the most in the world. The thing that brings you the most anxiety when you know it’s coming up. Everybody has something. Got it? I bet at least a quarter of you thought of an appointment with your…

phishing scams

The Best Offense is a Good Defense

The Best Offense is a Good Defense It’s fall and for most of us, that means one thing: football season! Most Americans love sitting in front of the TV on Sunday to watch their favorite team battle it out on the gridiron. The touchdowns, the field goals, the interceptions, the big hits. It’s very exciting.…

Maximize Productivity from your workforce

Maximize Productivity from your workforce

Almost every firm is experiencing staffing issues. Leadership must ensure they are maximizing employee productivity. I divide these productivity enhancements into three categories: hardware, software, and time management. Hardware improvements can be the addition of monitors, replacing aging hardware, and if applicable, providing remote work abilities. Adding just 1 additional monitor to workstations can boost…

What is BEC and why should I be worried

What is BEC and why should I be worried?

What is BEC? BEC is a Business Email Compromise. This basically means that a malicious actor has gained access to an email account. These attacks are typically the result of a credential being leaked on the dark web or a user falling for a phishing email and providing their credentials. In years past these attacks…